Ariana Gray 63511
Nowadays in Afghanistan and Pakistan high quality carpets are tied with the help of Western designers. The carpet is double knotted and very durable and dense. High wool quality and the motifs in combination with cheerful colors in these rugs have created a real work of art. Khorjin and Shal and Eilam have the same manufacturing technique. Colors, through their great variety, fascinate and excite the imagination. They are based on plant and animal colors and these are of course the best. They give the yarn a natural shine. The carpets that are produced in Afghanistan today are tied in the same way as they were a thousand years ago.
Pattern: Afghanistan
Size: 194 x 160 cm
Knots per m2: 320000
Thickness in mm: 7
Pile: Wool
Warp: Cotton
Color: Gray
Delivery time: 2-3 Days on average